Friday, December 17, 2010

Computers, can't live with them, can't shoot'em. Well I guess you could shoot them.

First off I know more about the nether regions of the Hilton sisters than I do about what makes this computer work, operate, or function properly I want to get that out right at the beginning.  You see growing up, all the way through school, I never once worked on a computer until my senior year of high school which was back in the ass end of the 1980's.  Yes the last century to you young readers out there who should have been dissuaded from reading this blog by the "adult content" banner out front you little bastards.  The funny thing about my computer class in high school is that it was a programing class... let that sink in a little... a programing class.  We had to create simple programs using some dead computer language to get a round ball rotating on the screen or some simple shit like that.  Now never ever even touching a computer in the past I'm thinking I may have made an error in my class selection at this point.  I needed a class that started with "push this button to turn on magic box."  I blame the system.  Either way I'm a guy who failed algerbra (I'm so bad at it I can't even spell it)  struggled with geometry, and laughed at the idea of Calc-usless.  Anyway I guess more to the point like any other red blooded American, I had never taken any foreign language classes either up until that point* so learning a new language that was comprised of numbers and symbols was like trying to read  any other emotion besides surprise on the Beverly Hills House Wives Botoxed plastic fake faces.  It wasn't going to happen.  So ultimately the class kicked my ass I did nothing but I did get "help" from the other students and somehow passed with flying colors which shows a glaring problem in our school systems.  I should have failed that class horribly but I got a very good grade.  I never got that damn ball rolling on my own. 
All that to say I don't know shit about computers or their funky strange language of terms and error codes.  A virus to me is a cold and you wait for it to get better.  Not so much with computers I'm finding out.  As a result of my total lack of knowledge about computers my Macbook Pro is dead to the world after an ill fated OS upgrade.  Now OS stands for operating system I'm told and my old computer needed a new operating system to upgrade my iphone 4 software or whatever.  In process of upgrading my Mac froze up like a Democrat with power in the House and Senate, nothing, no movement no booting up no pinwheel of rainbow death.  Nothing.  Off to the Mac store I go I guess.  Luckily I have a back up PC that worked  wonders if not a little shitty and clunky and wholly not as cool as a Mac.  Well it worked up until about two days ago when I clicked on a  what looked like an official notice from somewhere.  Bam my PC was frozen with crazy deadly warnings of viruses and corrupted files, much like a out numbered Republican in the House or Senate.  Turns out they were all false positives to get me to click on the Trojan horse type virus.  See I understand the historical references when dealing with computers.  I get that, I guess its all in the way you learn stuff.  Anyway I didn't learn fast enough and have ended up with a feverishly working paper weight of a PC.  The internal hamster wheels are flying but nothing is happening.  Scanning with various malware and virus programs aren't doing shit, at least nothing in two days and I figure in the Tron world that's like forever isn't it?  Or is it the opposite where its like a nano-second.  I can't remember and the movie isn't out for a couple days so I won't know until then but I digress.

*I took French 101 my senior year.  There were several benefits of the class for a 16 year old guy, two of which were the teacher Ms. Zoa Glass.   Heellllloooo Zoa.  The others were a hoard of freshman and sophomore girls.  Je m'appelle Erik.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Knocking off the cobwebs.

Wow I can't believe how long its been since I updated this thing. Way too long. I really have nothing to contribute at this time but so many others are blogging now I felt compelled. Yes the power of bog compels me.
At some point I will have to let loose on to the world my blog and reap the whirlwind.

Updates since the last entry... from sometime in 2009
got engaged to my ol' lady
1 car crash
2 motorcycle crashes(1 small one, 1 big one)
1 broken hand
1 dislocated shoulder
lost 30lbs
gained back 15lbs(broken hand and what not)
changed Crossfit gyms
increased my kingdom on Facebook

Yeah that's about it.