Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Salvage from my old Myspace page Angela 11/9/08

Its happened again, another of my friends has passed away. Angela's passing was a tragic accident no one could have expected. Two friends in a matter or 8 days is too much. I think we forget that life is fleeting and we only have a certain number of wake ups in our lives. When we forget this fact life reminds us in cruel and unexpected ways. I didn't need the reminder I can assure you but never the less I got a wake up call if you will. A message from a friend to call him about something as soon as I get the message, left in a tone of voice that lets me know its serious and its not a casual call. I did like everyone else most likely and braced myself for bad news all the while thinking if not hoping it was not really that serious. It was about as serious as one can get in this world. It was real for sure but somehow I couldn't wrap my head around the news. What? That's crazy! Who? Oh my god! Oh my god. That's all the lady heard as she passed me on the side walk while she walked her stupidly small dog past my conversation. I get no cell reception in my home so I have to go outside to converse with the world. My neighbors get to hear everything from how my grandpa is doing, to my ass kissing eternal hunt for a proper job, to me getting tragic news of a friend missing and another friend in pure agony over the loss. Too much for such a small amount of time. I feel numb as it hasn't really sunken in yet. It has intellectually. I know I will never see my sweet friend again. I know she will not flash that smile that scrunches up her nose again.

I can imagine how the families feel, I've been there and feel so terrible for their loss. Its something you can't fathom unless you have gone through it. People give sympathies and prayers and the positive thoughts which is very nice but effectively useless when you're inside your own head rolling through numbness, erratic emotions, and memories faster that you can process them. It hurts and doesn't go away for a long time. It sneaks up on you during the most innocent of times. It could be a song playing on the radio or a movie or a smell sometimes nothing at all that sends you from your melodic everyday droning to the pain of loss and ache of missing. Its not a fair fight that's for sure. They will both be missed as both were really great people that deserved the best in life. I guess not really knowing what awaits us after passing, maybe they did get the best in life and are enjoying the fruits of their lives. I don't know. Nobody does but its all we can hope for to put our minds and souls at easy between sporadic moments pain.

Angela I miss you. You are still a sweet caring friendly soul in death as you were in life.

Salvage from my old Myspace page

A great guy died today. Stephen Cox was a teammate, father, and husband. He had been battling cancer for several years. Several surgeries, hospital stays and the chronic pain never seemed to lower his spirits. Of course I only saw him occasionally when he felt well enough to play hockey. So I guess I saw him on the "good" days or maybe he put on a macho locker room face in front of the guys. I don't know. What I do know is he loved to play with a competitive streak a mile long. He was the oldest guy on the team by several years yet he seemed to be in superior shape. He was rarely out of breath while the younger guys panted breathlessly on the bench. I used to tell him he wasn't really trying. He would just flash his squinty eyed broad smile and tell me to piss off.
He was always smiling and having a good time tossing jokes around like quick draw artist. He was smart funny and proud of his family. His kids and wife would occasionally come to the games and cheer us on. They had to have been bored silly as our games are not the most viewer friendly activities in the world. They would hang out after the games in the parking lot and relive our heroics on the ice over a couple beers. They really seem like a close knit family and I feel terrible for their loss.
Goodbye Coxy, maybe now you'll cover the points when the puck is in your zone. The good people always seem to get taken from us while jackass' are free to roam the earth. Stephen seemed like he lived the life he wanted to live. I think when you get down to it that's all we can hope for in this world.
Vaya con dios Stephen.

What I've Learned

Women don’t want you to fix their problems. They just want you to sit, listen quietly, nod your head and say, "I love you, you are very special to me, and/or that’s so unfair."

Women don’t want you to fix their problems unless their problem is a flat tire

Contracts with employers aren’t for you. They are for your employer. If you don’t agree try refusing to sign the contract.

I don’t care what anyone says after a certain age you feel like shit after exercise.

People from other cultures know how to relax and they can do it at the drop of a hat.

They say money can’t buy happiness well I would like to give it a try. I have a few ideas that might just work.

Motorcycles are the cheapest and safest recreational drug on the market today. The V-Twin is some good shit man.

People expose their lack of intellect by using imbecilic examples to support their stance.

Republican and Democrats are both wrong. Independents and Libertarians are also wrong. If we can find a logical mix of all four we would really have something.

Bill Clinton was the best Republican Presidents ever.

When the word "racist" is used as a political tool it becomes worse than its original abomination.

The morning of September 11, 2001 fear over took sex as the most overwhelming driving forces in our society. Look at the news, our national foreign policy, and Bush’s second term.

Who Would Jesus Bomb? Best bumper sticker ever.

Bill Maher is an asshole he may be correct on many topics but he’s still an asshole.

Tell your father you love him while he’s still alive. You can tell him once he’s gone but it will not feel as good.

Bugs hurt at 80 mph

When your Grandmother says, "You don’t know what you’re doing." She’s right.

Rich, powerful, A-type personality men will cheat on you ladies. As often as possible. Its not you, its them and no amount of plastic surgery with stop it.

Kids learn from what they see in the home. Robin Williams’ father must have been a crazy fucker.

Mother Nature teaches you two lessons, 1) Mother Nature always wins. 2) Winning isn’t always the point.
Cory Haim died today. He was pretty much a douche bag and a bad actor. However, it was not entirely his fault as Hollywood creates this bogus world making people actually believe they deserve the money, attention, gifts(read drugs and women/men) and the work.Especially influenced are the young stars who make the childish adults around them a lot of money. Once those young stars stop making the cash for whatever reason they get tossed onto the used heap and forgotten yet still left with the sense of entitlement. One is left with the tools they were brought up with to fend off the rejection and disappointment but if they don't have the tools they end up on COPS or the evening news. Like I said it was not completely his fault but he was a douche bag.