Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Snake Pit

I hate snakes. I once ran on water at Electra Lake high in the San Juan mountains just to get away from a garder snake or whatever they are called. I used to think they ware called "gardner" snakes, but I also thought Jesus died when he was only four months old when I was a kid so there you go. For those of you who don't get that, he was born in December died in April... four months. I guess I took things too literally but I digress. I'm sitting in a bar maned the Snake Pit on Melrose Ave in Hollywood or west Hollywood not sure anyway I've been here a few times. Everything being equal I've been here a lot however most of my visits were several tears(that is supposed to be 'years' but my auto correct knows me too well) ago. They still know me and always say, "Hey!". Which I know is polite speak for, "you used to spend a lot of money in here but we can't remember your name so we'll just smile and say, 'hey." Which frankly is OK with me. I would rather that than have to go into an in-depth conversation with bar folk. Bar folk suck. If you are older than 25 and dont know that bar folk suck you are either bar folk yourself or you are plainly stupid. This is a universal truth just like gravity and you should always pass the first Price is Right showcase. The fact that bar folk suck makes them interesting to hang out and watch. Their inherent sucky-ness is entertaining like carnies or adult boy scouts. Anyway I'm here by myself as my old lady is out with her friends eating somewhere fancy no doubt and all my friends I've attempted to contact are either on a date or out at a show of one kind or another. Adding to the night is the fact I've placed a dietary restriction on myself to where I can only drink tequila. If you know me you know tequila is not my friend. Jose has kicked my ass more times than high school algebra. So here I sit in a crowded Hollywood dive bar with some unrecognizable tune droning on the juke box under the more of a din crowd noise. I'm a good several into my margaritas so much so not only do I have a heavy buzz I have killer heart burn. Yeah fuck you forty years old. Fuck you. I actualy enjoy my alone time in a packed bar. I have a SOP of ignoring everyone in the place while observing all the goings on. Kind of like the old creepy guy without the "creepy." I hope.

Writing flow ruined. I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this with my iPhone with no spelling correction. You will have noticed that by now. The buzz didn't help.
